It is the policy of Melita Marine Group to ensure that our business practices protect the environment in which we operate.
This Environmental Policy is applicable to all Melita Marine employees and is encouraged with our contractors and clients.
We will seek to minimize impacts on the environment and we will operate our facilities in accordance with procedures designed to prevent incidents that may cause environmental damage.
Melita Marine Group has adopted the following principles to implement its Environmental Policy for its marine and commercial operations.
To conserve and protect the environment at Mgarr Harbour, Marsa Creek, our workshops in Zejtun and Qrendi and our Headquarters in Gzira.
To respond immediately to any environmental incident by utilizing appropriate personnel and equipment.
To develop our environmental management systems in line with the requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard and to minimize our environmental impact especially from:
- Waste and discharges from yachts at berth
- Waste generated from maintenance activities
- Air emissions and releases to the marine environment from maintenance activities
- Utilities consumption
To create a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives.
To comply with relevant environmental legislation.
To monitor and report annually on our environmental performance with the aim of achieving continuous improvement.
To communicate this policy to and foster environmental responsibility among our staff, contractors and clients.
To provide training and encourage initiatives to enhance and improve our environmental performance.
This Environmental Policy will be reviewed annually.